A few simple requests (not at all sarcastic)
Dear child #1… Please wake me up tomorrow morning at 5:45 a.m. Better yet, make it 5:30 — the earlier the better. Dear child #2… Tonight please repeat the festivities of last night and scream bloody...
View ArticleLong summer days, and other things that used to be fun
Summer — so many reasons to love it. For example, one super-duper aspect of summer, now that I have 3 wee ones running amok all day, is the longer days. Because by 8:00 p.m., even if it is bright and...
View ArticleI would like to nominate… (A few awards my family could win)
I love awards. And I used to receive them from time to time, in my other life — back when I wore dry-clean only clothes. And used the iron. Alas, there are no awards in SAHMville. But you know what...
View Article20 Questions… The Motherhood Version
1. Do you sometimes cringe when you see your worst qualities passed on to your kids? 2. Do you ever get all dolled up for an event, like a wedding, and see yourself in the mirror and think, Damn! Not...
View Article7 Things I’ve Learned Now that I’m 35
I hate to admit it, but I’ve always struggled with getting older. I was an emotional basket case upon turning 30. It just sounded so old. So the hubs took me out on the town for the evening, and I...
View ArticleDear Kids: What Will You Remember About Your Mom?
Someone asked me once what I want my kids to remember, when they are grown, about the kind of mother they had. I have thought about this many times, and I’ve come to the conclusion that there are...
View ArticleWhich mom are you at drop-off?
Now that I am several years into being a “school mom,” I have observed that there are several categories (and subcategories) of moms who drop their kids off at school. Category 1: The Working Mom I...
View ArticleGood Moms Have Messy Houses (and clean ones too)
Girlfriends, I got to get something off my chest. My house is never clean. Like ever. I have friends (with kids) whose houses are spotless. Are they better mothers than me? Nope. Am I a better mother...
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